A new adventure begins!

Morning guys, sorry it’s been a while! Work and life definitely got on top of me! But I’m back, it’s the build up to Christmas and I’m so excited about the coming year. As I have spoken about in previous posts, I’ve not only done a lot of work in the past few months around my …

When to stop counting those calories

I’ve been tracking my calories pretty consistently now for about 11 months, since I started my fitness journey. Before I started, I thought I ate pretty well. I thought I ate good food, and though I sometimes had ‘unhealthy’ foods, I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t loosing any weight. However, once I began learning about …

Falling in love with fitness

Falling in love with fitness is something I never thought I would do. Sure, I thought I would tolerate or even enjoy going to the gym, once I began seeing the results. But actually loving going to the gym? Nah, never thought it was going to happen. So then why was I so happy (I …

From fat to fit.. (well, fitter)

Thanks for joining me! “Isn’t it funny how day to day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different” – C.S.Lewis What a difference a year makes, or 10 months in my case. Though I am smiling in both photos, in the one on the left I was deeply unhappy, insecure and didn’t …